Shelley Butler
      The Museum, the Tour, the Senses

Constance Classen
      Introduction to The Color of Angels
      Museum Manners
     The Sensescape of the Museum from Sensible Objects (With David Howes)

Gediminas Lankauskas
      Sensuous (Re)Collections

Jim Drobnick
      "Reveries, Assaults and Evaporating Presences: Olfactory Dimensions in Contemporary Art"

Jennifer Fisher
      "Relational Sense: Towards A Haptic Æsthetics"

David Howes
      "Architecture of the Senses"
      "Charting the Sensorial Revolution"
      "Cross-Talk Between the Senses"

      "Introduction a la culture sensible" (with Jean-Sebastien Marcoux)
      "Libidinal and Political Economies of the Senses"
      "Multi-Sensory Marketing in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Part I: From Synergy to Synaesthesia"
      "Multi-Sensory Marketing in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Part 2: The Sense of the Senses"

      "The Aesthetics of Mixing the Senses"
      "The Senses Collected"

If you wish to contact any of the authors, you are welcome to write to and your message will be forwarded.