
David Howes, ed., A Cultural History of the Senses in the Modern Age, 1920-2000. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2014

David Howes and Constance Classen, Ways of Sensing: Understanding the Senses in Society. London: Routledge, 2014

David Howes, ed., The Sixth Sense Reader. Oxford and New York: Berg (September, 2009)

David Howes, ed., Empire of the Senses: The Sensual Culture Reader. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2004

David Howes, Sensual Relations: Engaging the Senses in Culture and Social Theory, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2003

David Howes, ed., Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities, London and New York: Routledge, 1996

Constance Classen, David Howes & Anthony Synnott, Aroma: The Cultural History of Smell, London and New York: Routledge, 1994 ( translated into Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Greek)

David Howes, ed., The Varieties of Sensory Experience: A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the Senses, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.

Special Issues

David Howes, ed., Sensory Museology, 9(3) The Senses and Society special issue, 2014.

David Howes et Jean-Sébastien Marcoux, eds., La culture sensible, 30(3) Anthropologie et Sociétés numéro spécial, 2006

David Howes, ed., Cross-Cultural Jurisprudence/La jurisprudence transculturelle , 20(1) The Canadian Journal of Law and Society special issue, 2005

David Howes, ed., Law and Popular Culture, 10(2) The Canadian Journal of Law and Society special issue, 1995

David Howes, ed., Frontières culturelles et marchandises, 18(3) Anthropologie et Sociétés numéro spécial, 1994

David Howes, ed., Les cinq sens, 14(2) Anthropologie et Sociétés numéro spécial, 1990

Chapters in Books

“Revisualizing Anthropology through the Lens of The Ethnographer’s Eye.” Pages 628-47 in Ian Heywood and Barry Sandywell, eds., Handbook of Visual Culture. Oxford: Berg, 2012

"Hearing Scents, Tasting Sights: Toward a Cross-Cultural Multimodal Theory of Aesthetics." Pages 161-82 in Francesca Bacci and David Mellon, eds., Art and the Senses. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011

“Polysensoriality.” Pages 435-50 in Fran Mascia-Lees, ed., A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011

« Vienna : Sensory Capital » Pages 63-76 in Madalina Diaconu et al (eds.), Senses and the City. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Urban Sensescapes, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011

“Multimodality and Anthropology: The Conjugation of the Senses.” Pp 225-235 in Carey Jewitt, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis, London: Routledge, 2009.

"Screening the Senses" in Rob van Ginkel and Alex Strating, eds., Wildness and Sensation: Anthropology of Sinister and Sensuous Realms. Apeldoorn, The Netherlands: Spinhuis, 2007

"Constituting Canadian Anthropology" in Julia Harrison and Regna Darnell (eds.), Historicizing Canadian Anthropology. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006.

Constance Classen & David Howes, "The Sensescape of the Museum: Western Sensibilities and Indigenous Artifacts" in Elizabeth Edwards, et al. (eds.). Sensible Objects: Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006

"Scent, Sound and Synesthesia: Intersensoriality and Material Culture Theory" in Christopher Tilley, et al. (eds.), Handbook of Material Culture, London: Sage, 2006.

"Architecture of the Senses" in Mirko Zardini (ed.), Sense of the City: An Alternate Approach to Urbanism. Montreal and Baden: Canadian Centre for Architecture and Lars Müller Publishers, 2005

"Skinscapes: Embodiment, Culture and Environment" in Constance Classen (ed.), The Book of Touch, Oxford: Berg, 2005

"Hyperaesthesia, or The Sensual Logic of Late Capitalism" in David Howes (ed.), Empire of the Senses, Oxford: Berg, 2004.

"Nose-wise: Olfactory Metaphors in Mind" in Catherine Rouby, et al. (eds.) Olfaction, Gustation and Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002

"Freud's Nose: The Repression of Nasality and the Origin of Psychoanalytic Theory" in Victoria de Rijke, et al. (eds.) Nose Book: Representations of the Nose in Literature and the Arts. London: Middlesex University Press, 2000.

«Identités contrefaçonnées: Grey owl, appropriation culturelle et droit privé» in Nicholas Kasirer (ed.) Le faux en droit privé. Montreal: Editions Thémis, 2000.

Constance Classen & David Howes, "Vital Signs: The Dynamics of Traditional Medicine in Northwestern Argentina" in Lynne Phillips (ed.), The Third Wave of Modernization in Latin America Wilmington, DE: Jaguar Books, 1998.

"Cultural Appropriation and Resistance in the American Southwest: Decommodifying `Indianness'" in David Howes (ed.), Cross-Cultural Consumption.

Constance Classen & David Howes, "Epilogue: The Dynamics and Ethics of Cross-Cultural Consumption" in David Howes (ed.), Cross-Cultural Consumption.

«La constitution de Glenn Gould: Le contrepoint et l'Etat canadien.» Pages in Jean-Guy Belley (dir.), Le droit soluble: contributions québécoises à l'étude de l'internormativité. Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1996.

Journal Articles

Tim Ingold and David Howes, “ Worlds of Sense and Sensing the World” (2011) Social Anthropology 19(3): 313-31

“Sensation” (2011) Journal of Material Religion 7(1): 127-30

Sarah Pink and David Howes, “The Future of Sensory Anthropology/The Anthropology of the Senses” (2010) Social Anthropology 18(3): 331-40

David Howes and Jean-Sébastien Marcoux, "Introduction à la culture sensible" (2006) Anthropologie et Sociétés 30(3): 7-17

"Introduction: Culture in the Domain of Law" (2005)The Canadian Journal of Law and Society 20(1): 9-29

"Evaluation sensorielle et diversité culturelle" (2004) Psychologie française 48(4): 117-125

"Maladroit or Not? Learning to Be of Two Minds in the New Bijural Law Curricula" (2002) Journal of Legal Education 52(1/2): 55-60

"e-Legislation: Law-making in the Digital Age" (2001) McGill Law Journal 47(1): 39-57

«De l'oralité et de la lettre de la loi» (1996) Droit et Société 32: 27-49

Anthony Synnott & David Howes, "From Measurement to Meaning: Anthropologies of the Body" (1992) Anthropos 87: 147-166

"Picturing the Constitution" (1991) The American Review of Canadian Studies 21(4): 383-408

"Sense and Non-Sense in Contemporary Ethno/Graphic Theory and Practice" (1991) Culture 11: 51-62

David Howes & Marc Lalonde, "The History of Sensibilities: Of the Standard of Taste in Mid-Eighteenth Century England and the Circulation of Smells in Post-Revolutionary France" (1991) Dialectical Anthropology 16: 125-135

«Les techniques des sens» (1990) Anthropologie et Sociétés 14(2): 99-115

"We Are the World and Its Counterparts: Popular Song as Constitutional Discourse" (1990) International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 3(3): 315-339

"Olfaction and transition: an essay on the ritual uses of smell" (1987) The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 24(3): 398-416

"From Polyjurality to Monojurality: The Transformation of Quebec Law, 1875-1929" (1987) McGill Law Journal 32(3): 523-558

«Le sens sans parole: Vers une anthropologie de l'odorat» (1986) Anthropologie et Sociétés 10(3): 29-45

"Property, God and Nature in the Thought of Sir John Beverley Robinson" (1985) 30 McGill Law Journal 30: 365-414

Recent Papers Presented

“The Law of Evidence: An Archeology of Legal Perception,” Sensing the Law Workshop, Carelton University, 2-4 May 2013

“Sensing the City,” The Sensory City Workshop/ABC: Montreal, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, 31 March 2013

“The Politics of Perception: Social Orders and Sensory Codes” (with Constance Classen), Workshop on the Soundscape of the Ancient World, Ecole française de Rome, January 7, 2012

“Sensory History,” Department of History, University of Toronto, 10 July 2012

“The Sensual Revolution in Cognitive Linguistics,” Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media & Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, 5 June 2012

“Re-visualizing Anthropology,” Sensing Cultures: Practice, Performance, Display, American Anthropological Association, Montreal, 17 November 2011

“Between Art and Anthropology: Entangled Sensations” (with Chris Salter), Mediations of Sensation Inno-vent, American Anthropological Association, Montreal, 17 November 2011

“Anthropology of the Senses: Six Talks”, Keio University, Tokyo, 26-31 July 2011

« Sons et sens, » Pour une ethnographie des milieu sonore, Musée du quai Branly, Paris, 15 May 2011

“Sensation and Transmission.” Workshop on Cognition, Performance and the Senses, University of Sussex (sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 28-30 April 2011

“Sensory Craft,” Craft Forward, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, 2 April 2011

“Smellscapes: Exploring the Role of Odours in the Constitution of Selves and Environments,” Embodied Values: Bringing the Senses Back to the Environment, University of Edinburgh, 28 January 2011

“The Sensual Savage: The Structuralist Sensorium of Claude Lévi-Strauss,” Savage Thoughts: Interdisciplinarity and theChallenge of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Institute for the Pubic Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University, 24 September 2010

“How Many Senses are There?” Sensing the Unseen Sawyer Seminar series, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 17 September 2010

“Sensory Critique-Transformation and Social Change,” Transforming Cultures Research Centre Annual Lecture, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, August 3, 2010

“Antimulticulturalism and Cross-Cultural Jurisprudence”, Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, August 3, 2010

“What is the Sixth Sense? The Unnatural History of a Supernumerary Category,” Explorations in Sensory Anthropology Symposium, Canadian Anthropology Society, Montreal, June 3, 2010

« Qu’est ce que le sixième sens? » Université de Liège, Belgium, May 7, 2010

“Un/Reasonable Accommodation of Minority Culture Practices: The Case of Quebec 2007,” Heritage, Authenticity and the Politics of Religious Difference, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia University, November 6, 2009

“From Object Lessons to Sentient Subjects: Displaying Ethnographic Collections Now,” Art Beyond Sight: Multimodal Approaches to Learning, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 16, 2009

“The Recombinant Sensorium: Senses as Media and the Mediation of the Senses in Religious Practice,” Sensations: Religious Mediations and the Formation of Identities, Global Seminars in Media, Religion, Culture, Accra, Ghana, 15-18 August, 2009

“Archeology of the Senses,” Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, 22 January 2009

“The Sensorial Revolution in the Human Sciences” (keynote address), Pleasure and Danger in Perception Symposium, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University, 22-24 January 2009